Cow traffic systems

It is quite important in which direction the cows are walking. They have to walk from the barn to the milking parlour and back. Dutchlac has an extensive range of products to arrange the traffic of the cows.

Selection gate

To treat the cows, it is necessary to take them out of the herd. This can be made easier with the selection gate. This gate will be placed in the corridor from the parlour to the stable. The cows which need treatment will be selected via the computer (automatic or manually). When these cows walk through this selection gate, the leg transponders of this specific cow will give a signal to the computer. This signal will cause to open a fence so the cow will walk in another direction as all other cows. As an option a weighing scale can be mounted in the selection gate. With this scale the condition of each cow in each stadium of lactation can be checked (only in combination with the Afifarm system).

Cow crowding system

To push the cows quickly and safely to the milking parlour, Dutchlac has developed a number of push systems. This Dutchlac system is a heavy industrial crowding gate that is electrically driven (back and forth) and pneumatically driven (up and down). With this system a next group of cows can be put in the waiting room. When the previous group is finished the fence will go up and it will move to the back of the next group. This next group will now be driven towards the milking parlour. The gate starts automatically when an entrance door of the milking parlour opens and stops automatically when the pressure on the cows becomes too high.


Dutchlac supplies a complete range of fencing for cow traffic, treatment streets, treatment rooms and waiting rooms.

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